What Our Patients Say at Fairfax Chiropractic
What others say about Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Reiki can help you make the right health care choice. Review a selection of Fairfax Chiropractic Acupuncture patient testimonials below and please Click here to email us or contact the clinic if you have any questions.
Yours in health,
Dr. Elizabeth Murphree
Excellent Facility
Dr. Murphree sat down and spoke with me for 15-20 mins trying to understand my issues with my back. Afterwards, she suggested I try a method she recommended. Afterwards, I have had no problems (knock on wood) with my back. I will always refer my friends and family to her. She's been a great help! Excellent facility!
- Varinder B
Amazing Ability to Heal
Elizabeth is such a lovely person, and her ability to help and heal is quite amazing. I am so appreciative of her positive energy and the gift of wellness she has given to my family and I. I highly recommend you book an appointment and see for yourself!
- Sarah C.
Kind and Knowledgeable
"Couldn't be more thrilled to have discovered Dr. Murphree. She's incredibly kind and knowledgeable - I experienced a marked improvement after my first appointment and am looking forward to continued progress under her care. Thank you, Dr. Murphree!"
- Emily
Well Worth the Drive
Dr. Murphy is one of the best chiropractors I've visited. She is thorough in her knowledge of the body and very professional, as well. She takes the time to truly listen to you and observe what's going on in your body. I travel over forty minutes to experience her healing techniques; it's well worth it.
- Crystal B.

Chiropractic helps achieve dreams
"Dr. Murphree, Thanks for all the assistance to get here. How goofy can a person look running up a hill? I guess I was having a good time!

Dr. Murphree, check out my spine now!
Chiropractic usefulness for kids in sports
"Dr. Murphree, check out my spine now!" compliments of patient, Sean, pictured in out of town diving competition.
Bunions and other problems that arise from distance running
I was told that surgery was the only treatment for my very painful bunion. I came to Dr. Murphree hoping to find an alternative. After only two months of bi weekly (every other week) treatments, my bunion shrank and all the pain disappeared. I run without pain now. And as a bonus, my whole body is working more effectively. My coordination is better and my metabolism has improved. I have a better handle on my body and my over all health. Also the imbalance from a long-ago hip injury was fixed in my first visit!!!
- Ann
Chiropractic resumes natural step motion
Your treatment/adjustment on me today had a very positive and noticeable affect. For the past two weeks, my gait has shown a very pronounced left leg "toe to heel" step. Following today's treatment, my left leg has resumed a much more natural "heel to toe" step. See you in six weeks. Thank you for your skill and attention.
- Kermit
- Janice
Goodbye to Allergy Shots!
Dr. Murphree has a way of making sure that my neck is aligned with her analysis. I have noticed that my sinuses and allergies are far lessened and manageable with chiropractic. Unless I directly mow into a heavy area of pollen, I am able to manage my allergies with her adjustments and say goodbye to allergy shots.
- Stan
Back Pain Improved
Since I looked her up on the Activator Website, I have been so much better with my back pain. She was right down the street and I did not know it. I was so glad for the website. I did not know how much chiropractic could help me but I tried it in college and it saved me from one too many runs in track. Seeing her on Saturdays is the best.
- George
Back on the Court After Only Six Acupuncture Visits
Dr. Murphree has been my acupuncturist since 2002. She has helped me with back pain from a surgery gone bad. I told her that she could only use acupuncture, and it has made a huge difference in my life. I needed about 6 visits before I could play tennis again.
Thanks, I am back on the court.
- Ted
My Overall Health has Improved!
So far I have only done the one quiz, but I found it very helpful and loved it, as I do your web site. I am finding the answers to questions that I have not known how to ask, and I am certainly looking forward to future quizzes and information. You make it very convenient to be able to forward an article on to some one else and the ones I have forwarded have been appreciated.
It is hard to choose the one most significant aspect of the care in your clinic, so I will mention two. First, I am delighted with the improvement in my over all health. Second, is the incredible amount of caring and love that you show. I am so amazed how you think about your patients when we aren't there, and what wonderful answers you have for me at a later appointment. The detox for hubby has been such a blessing.
From day one, I have found your staff pleasant, but Patty and Barbara are absolutely outstanding. They are so pleasant on the phone and I have no difficulty understanding their messages. When I come to the clinic I look forward to seeing them, also. I would be so sad if they were not there.
I still have the roses you gave out on Feb. 21st. I was planning to send a Thank You when I finally threw them out, but I do not think that is going to happen any time soon! The most of the leaves have disappeared, but only one rose petal has fallen and that was several weeks ago when I inadvertently knocked the entire vase over. I expected to see petals every where amidst the water, but not so. I am keeping them as long as I can because they remind me of the love and the care that I receive at your clinic. So, a great big Thank You for roses, pop corn, and most of all caring.
- Louise P.
I Threw My Crutches Away!
In March 2000, my physician told me that the disc between my 4th and 5th vertebrae was collapsing causing my back pain and recommended that I find a good chiropractor. Being raised in a family where "chiropractor" was a dirty word, I told her "no way." Three months later my right leg would not support me and I had to use crutches. My minister recommended Dr. Murphree and when I went to get a copy of my X rays, the technician said, "There is no way anyone can help you".
In tears and on crutches I saw Dr. Murphree 4 or 5 times in a two week period and was able to throw the crutches away and have never needed them again. Friends that I have sent to her have told me it was the best thing I ever did for them. God has given Dr. Murphree a wonderful gift of healing in her hands and has treated me for various ailments over the last seven years. I would trust her with my life and every inch of my body.
- Joan
I'm Back To My Old Self Again!
My name is Joan, I have been a patient of Dr. Murphree since 2000. This year on May 4th, I came to see Dr. Murphree for an adjustment as I had been having severe Vertigo. I had had to cancel this appointment and a lunch appointment. prior to May 4th due to the severity of my vertigo impairing my ability to drive. By the 4th visit on Monday, May 21st my vertigo had improved so much that: I went up and down a 6 foot ladder four times trying to adjust a new Airchair on May 20. I washed a window by lying on a chair with my head hanging off to reach the area I was trying to wash. I weeded the garden the day before clearing a 10 yard stretch under the deck. I vacuumed the entire house on Friday for guests coming Sat. First thorough cleaning since before the holidays this past winter.
I believe the activities I was able to do over this past weekend speak loudly for the marvelous results my adjustments had for my vertigo. Though my back felt the results of my activities, at least my vertigo wasn't stopping me from doing things I wanted to do.
- Joan